Video Game Design as Curatorial Innovation & Experimental 3D Animation

Innovation in Exhibition Making: the Blurred Boundary Between Exhibition and The Rest of The World


Innovation in Exhibition Making: The Blurred Boundary Between Exhibitions and The Rest of The World

Participating Nodes: Jaewook Lee, Raimundas Malašauskas, Charlie Hahn

Date: 8.22.2015 2-5pm

Location: Seoul Museum of Art


Curating has dramatically changed over the last decade, becoming more and more creative, imaginative, and even artistic. The role of a curator is expanding, becoming user-friendly and reaching beyond the walls of institutions. It has evolved beyond the selection and the placement of art or artifacts in a space; it has become about empowering the audience, collaboration, communication, and innovation. It often allows the audience to encounter unexpected works of art in unexpected places. We will discuss the key concepts and distinctions that are central to the understanding curatorial innovation within which exhibitions and the rest of the world operate hand-in-hand.

Jaewook Lee is an artist, writer, amateur scientist, semi-philosopher, and sometime curator. Lee takes exhibition-making as his primary medium. He is the recipient of the 2014 Sindoh Artist Support Program (SINAP), and currently teaches at the School of Visual Arts(SVA) in New York City. His projects can be found at:

Raimundas Malašauskas curates often, and writes occasionally. Recent projects include In My Previous Life I Wanted to be a Tablet, Instituto de Vision, Bogota (2015), Tomorrow night I walked into a dark black star, Universidad Di Tella, Buenos Aires (2014), and Oo, Lithuanian and Cyprus pavilions at the 55th Venice Biennale (2013). He has co-written the libretto of an opera, produced a monthly television show, and was an agent for dOCUMENTA (13). Paper Exhibition, a book of Malašauskas' selected writings, was published by Sternberg Press: Iterations or documentation of his projects can be found at: 

Charlie Hahn(Educator, Artist) is a 1.5-generation Korean-American artist. He studied at Maryland Institute College of Art(MICA) for his BFA and MFA. He performs many governmental projects with the Institute of Media Art at Yonsei University(Research Associate, 2006~present), and runs MICA-K'ARTS program(director/faculty, 2006~present) in community art-based for cultural exchange and its value. He works as a professor in the faculty of Art & Media at Keimyung University since 2015.